
Total 560 visitors and 21 messages in this guestbook.
Last message was posted at 2014-05-13 04:07 pm.

#21 | 2014-05-13 04:07 pm | suresh  | Location canada | Ranking 10
i just heard you on Toronto radio programmed. i was so impressed to your art work. keep meditating through art. make more picture and write down the meaning of the picture underneath your art

#20 | 2014-05-13 12:49 pm | Jessie Chalotra  | Location Brampton | Ranking 1
I just heard on Radio program about your achievement in your art carrier. Went through your website and is impressed by your artistic work. I wish you bright future for your ongoing efforts in this field.

#19 | 2014-01-20 10:21 am | surjeet k  | Location Washington, USA | Ranking 10
Very very proud of your work, you have a great insighte into Gurbani, effects of Gurbani, how humans can merge into Gurbani. Very inspiring !!! Hope to see you someday soon

#18 | 2012-12-29 07:06 pm | saqlain Malik   | Location Queens NY | Ranking 9
Very inspiring art work.It is a good representation of the depiction of Sufi thoughts.Vibrant color give a very positive and encouraging feeling.Thanks for making us happy human beings.

#17 | 2012-08-31 06:39 pm | sarbjit singh brar  | Location vairoke moga punjab
bai ji sat shri AKAL.aap jihe heerian di sikh kaum nu bahut jarurat hai.PARMATMA aap di umer lambi kre.......

#16 | 2011-09-08 12:57 pm | zdran  | Location canada | Ranking 10

#15 | 2011-08-29 11:47 am | Jaswinder Sandhu  | Location Canada
It is encouraging to see art coming up in our beloved Punjab which has been neglected earlier. You people are doing good, keep it up for posterity. I am not a very good interpreter of art but do have my own opinion about every art I see. Since coming out of India I have visited a few art galleries and seen Italian, French, Canadian, Dutch & Scandinavian paintings. I feel encouraged to gauge them at about the same level as our painters. For me Monalisa is no better than your Nimrit and Simrit. In fact, I liked your poster section more than others. May be it is because I am an atheist. Your vision of Vaaheguru as the all pervading feature is in line with our religious philosophy, but how useful that philosophy is for the people of Punjab? Anyway, don't worry about that comment, that's my personal view. By the way I am attaching herewith my article containing my views about the concept of god and religion. If you find time, please read and comment on it. Please, don't mince words when you comment on my article. I love serious criticism and any criticism for that matter.

#14 | 2011-03-11 02:03 pm | Harmeet Singh Rana  | Location India | Ranking 9
Jaswant Ji Satsri Akal
your paintings are like a window to the other world.
Do you see images first then paint or it is your imagination?

#13 | 2011-01-14 04:55 pm | Dr. Parmjeet Saini  | Location Plainview, NY
You have Wahguru's blessing on your art work. What a loving art that connect me to spirtuality
Thank you for sharing your work

#12 | 2010-10-26 06:37 am | Sarah   | Location Grand Valley
You are an inspiration to the community. Thank you.

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